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Dr. Musgrave is a leading expert in mental health and wellbeing in the music industry. His publications have appeared in world-leading journals including The Lancet, The Lancet Psychiatry, Poetics, Cultural Trends, Musicae Scientiae, Frontiers in Public Health, and Psychology of Music. Books, journal articles, project reports and other publications can be found below. These cover a range of topics including:
- Measuring anxiety, depression and wellbeing among musicians
- Determinants of wellbeing outcomes
- Psychosocial experiences of musicians and their mental health
- Musicians and relationship management
- Ethical decision-making among music managers
- The role of health and wellbeing in music education
- Songwriting and wellbeing
- Qualitative research methods
and more.....
Peer reviewed papers
Book chapters
Reviews / Other
Dr. George Musgrave
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Cultural Sociology and Creative Industries,
Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship,
Goldsmiths, University of London,
New Cross,
London, SE14 6NW
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